by Zane Grabau | Aug 25, 2023
All growers have them. That patch in a field (or a few fields), that just isn’t quite right. Maybe the plants are just smaller than the rest of the field. Maybe the plants are a little discolored. Or really discolored. Maybe the stand is poor. That bad patch could be...
by Doug Mayo | Aug 4, 2023
This week’s featured video, published by FieldView (Digital Farming Software Platform), is a documentary that follows an Iowa corn & soybean farmer through one growing season. Check out the 24-minute video that shares the highlights of a single crop year...
by Ethan Carter | Jun 9, 2023
Ethan Carter, UF/IFAS Extension Regional Specialized Agent Row Crop IPM; Dr. Bob Kemerait, UGA Plant Pathologist, Dr. Ian Small, UF/IFAS Plant Pathologist Many of the Panhandle’s March planted corn fields are now well into tassel stage (VT). From tassel to milk...
by Hardeep Singh | Jun 2, 2023
Florida Best Management Practice (BMP) programs have increased use of cover crop technologies in the Florida Panhandle. Winter cover crops are crops planted in late summer or early fall to provide winter soil protection and ground cover or green manuring for...
by Nicholas Dufault | May 19, 2023
Blights, spots and rusts; oh my! It is getting to that time of year when we start to see diseases showing up in corn and begin to wonder if we should spray a fungicide or not. Southern rust is an explosive and damaging corn disease in which fungicide applications can...
by Doug Mayo | Feb 24, 2023
This week’s featured video shares an innovation for crop irrigation. Rain 360 is an autonomous (self-driving) irrigation unit that can apply up to 1/2″ of water per week in a 160-acre field, 3/4″ per week in a 100-acre field, or 1″ per week in...