Cotton Marketing News:  Tariff Talk

Cotton Marketing News: Tariff Talk

A tariff is a fee assessed on imports.  The tariff is a per-unit charge that has to be paid to the government by whomever brings the good across the border, and into the country.  Assuming this fee is passed on by the importer, the impact of a tariff is to increase...
Still Need the Mandatory Dicamba Resistant Crop Training?

Still Need the Mandatory Dicamba Resistant Crop Training?

Last year, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered new dicamba herbicide product formulations for making applications to dicamba tolerant cotton and soybean crops. As a result, many states were overwhelmed with drift complaints regarding sensitive crops....
Cotton Marketing News:  Ok, Now This is the Number

Cotton Marketing News: Ok, Now This is the Number

On March 29, USDA released their Prospective Plantings report, which in my opinion, gets us much closer to what will eventually be the acres planted in 2018.  The 13½ million acre neighborhood, or even higher, is what has been expected by many observers, and that’s...
2017 UF/IFAS Cotton Variety Trial Results

2017 UF/IFAS Cotton Variety Trial Results

Variety selection is a key decision for cotton producers each year. Variety performance is heavily dependent on environmental conditions and geography. Therefore, it is important for growers to select varieties based on multi-year research data from a similar...