Hemp Diseases in North Florida

Hemp Diseases in North Florida

Fanny Iriarte, Josh Freeman, Rui Yan, and Matthews Paret, UF/IFAS North Flroida Research and Education Center – The following are a collection of hemp diseases and the associated symptoms for diagnosis, as well as management tips to reduce yield loss or plant...
2021 Thrips Management in Cotton Update

2021 Thrips Management in Cotton Update

Dr. Scott Graham, Auburn Crop Entomologist As the 2021 cotton production season approaches, it is time to start preparing for thrips management. Thrips are the dominate insect pest of seedling cotton in Alabama. Each year, thrips infest 100 percent of the acres...
Cotton Marketing News:  Have Prices Leveled Out?

Cotton Marketing News: Have Prices Leveled Out?

Don Shurley, UGA Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics – There’s been a different tone to the market the past couple of weeks.  Have we seen the pre-plant peak?  Has the trajectory changed? New crop December futures peaked at 87.66 cents, back on February 24,...