Brittle Snap Damage in Corn

Brittle Snap Damage in Corn

Recently, I received a call about a strange phenomenon in a Washington County corn field.   Some type of pest was cutting off corn stalks, so my first thought were cutworms. But, when I found out the cut off stalks were V8 stage corn, that was almost head high, I got...
Twisted Whorl Syndrome in Corn

Twisted Whorl Syndrome in Corn

Authored by De Broughton, Regional Specialized Agronomic Crop Agent, and Ethan Carter, Regional Specialized Crop IPM Agent Throughout North Florida, producers have reported seeing corn of certain varieties with twisted whorls and other unusual symptoms. Soon after...
Recognizing and Managing Sting Nematode Problems in Peanuts

Recognizing and Managing Sting Nematode Problems in Peanuts

Most agriculture professionals recognize that plant-parasitic nematodes can drag down peanut yield.  In the Southeast, peanut nematodes are often assumed to be peanut root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne arenaria and Meloidogyne javanica) because they are widespread,...
Spray Water Quality Can Affect Pesticide Performance

Spray Water Quality Can Affect Pesticide Performance

Authored by Ethan Carter (Regional Crop IPM Agent) and Pratap Devkota (UF/IFAS Weed Specialist) Every applicator can think of an example where their pesticide (herbicide, insecticide, fungicide) provided less than desirable control. What you may not realize is that...
Healthy Soil is Teeming with Microscopic Life

Healthy Soil is Teeming with Microscopic Life

Farmers are intrinsically tied to the soil that encompasses their farmland. Where others only see dirt, greenery, and maybe a few worms, farmers – especially those who rely on organic nutrient sources such as compost, green manure, and plant and animal meals to...