Crop Nematode Damage a Serious Issue this Season

Crop Nematode Damage a Serious Issue this Season

After back to back mild winters, the 2017 growing season has been a banner year for pests. Prolonged cold weather normally diminishes pest populations, but this year pests of all types survived winter with populations that have increased dramatically. Most of the...
Utilizing the Information on the Tag of a Seed Bag

Utilizing the Information on the Tag of a Seed Bag

Fall is here so it is time to prepare for winter grazing. Once you determine the variety(s) you will be planting (2017 Cool-Season Forage Variety Recommendations for Florida), the next step is to order and purchase the seed. However, not all seed is equal. While most...
Cotton Marketing News:  Cotton Makes a Hard Landing

Cotton Marketing News: Cotton Makes a Hard Landing

Apparently, USDA’s September numbers took the market by surprise.  I don’t quite understand why that should have been the case, but apparently it was.  To a lot of folks that know cotton and keep a close eye on things, the September numbers were not really that much...