Silverleaf Whiteflies in Panhandle Cotton

Silverleaf Whiteflies in Panhandle Cotton

Sliverleaf whiteflies (SLWF), also known as sweet potato whiteflies, are a major pest in many cropping systems. The SLWF has a broad feeding range of over 600 host plants, which includes ornamental, vegetable, and field crops. This season, large populations of...
Friday Feature:  The Gluten Free Issue

Friday Feature: The Gluten Free Issue

David Schechter is a news reporter for WFAA News in Dallas Texas who likes to get answers to questions people have on hot topics through video segments he calls Verify.  This week’s featured video was a Verify segment David produced on the Gluten Free craze...
Peanut Nodule Analysis to Assess Crop Health

Peanut Nodule Analysis to Assess Crop Health

David Hensley and Diane Rowland, UF/IFAS Agronomy Department One of the primary benefits of growing legumes like peanut is their ability to convert nitrogen in the atmosphere to a form that is available for use throughout the plant. They do this by forming a symbiosis...
Diagnosing the Cause of Yellowing Peanut Fields

Diagnosing the Cause of Yellowing Peanut Fields

It happens every year. You cruise peanut fields and see spots of yellowing in a field.  The million dollar question is, “What is causing this yellowing?”  Unfortunately, there are many answers to this question. Problems that cause yellowing in peanuts can Include:...
Friday Feature:  Mobile Drip Irrigation from Center Pivots

Friday Feature: Mobile Drip Irrigation from Center Pivots

Water is a precious resource, no mater where you live or farm, but is especially true in Kansas where their aquifer is diminishing.  There is a relatively new technology being called mobile drip irrigation that has been developed in Kansas to make center pivot...