Friday Feature:  The Peanut Program Works

Friday Feature: The Peanut Program Works

This week’s featured video was developed by the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation.   They have launched  a campaign called The Peanut Program Works to provide support for the Price Loss Coverage or PLC Program implemented with the 2014 Farm Bill, as lawmakers...
Scout Soybeans for Kudzu Bugs and Redbanded Stink Bugs

Scout Soybeans for Kudzu Bugs and Redbanded Stink Bugs

After a mild winter, with relatively few nights below freezing, it should be no surprise that insect populations are spiking early. One example of this is armyworms, which began showing up in early-mid June across areas of Jackson County, a pest typically found later...
Corn Disease Management: When to Apply a Fungicide?

Corn Disease Management: When to Apply a Fungicide?

By Nicholas Dufault and Maria C. Velez-Climent, UF/IFAS Plant Pathology Department Recently, southern corn rust (Puccinia polysora) (Figure 1) was identified in Seminole County, Georgia and southern Alabama. With so many cloudy, and rainy days lately many producers...
Cotton Marketing News:  June Report Sends Mixed Signals

Cotton Marketing News: June Report Sends Mixed Signals

Don Shurley, Cotton Economist, UGA Emeritus Professor Last week’s USDA monthly crop production and supply and demand estimates contained some good news and some bad news.  Overall, I’d have to consider the report somewhat bearish. The market (new crop December futures...