Field Report:  Sick Oats in the Panhandle

Field Report: Sick Oats in the Panhandle

Ethan Carter, Crop IPM Regional Agent and Ann Blount, UF/IFAS Forage Breeder Crop aftershocks related to last week’s weather conditions (cold, overcast, and wet) were felt this week across in the Florida Panhandle. Growers reported a variety of symptoms in their oat...
The Role of Stress Memory on Peanut Seed Quality

The Role of Stress Memory on Peanut Seed Quality

Kelly Racette, Diane Rowland and Barry Tillman, UF/IFAS Agronomy Department For as long as crops have been domesticated, farmers have been selecting seed from the best performing plants; based primarily on their yield and relative performance. In some cases, a plant...
Maximizing Cotton Profits With Poultry Litter

Maximizing Cotton Profits With Poultry Litter

Dennis O’Brien, USDA ARS Office of Communications A USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) agronomist in Mississippi has found a way to help cotton growers in the Southeast maximize profits when they use poultry litter as fertilizer. The practice makes sense....
Cotton Marketing News:  New Crop Strength and Outlook

Cotton Marketing News: New Crop Strength and Outlook

Don Shurley, Cotton Economist, UGA Professor Emeritus Eighty cent fever is running rampant.  New crop December 17 futures have made a great run and the uptrend is strong.  Support seems to be firm.  New crop cotton has gained almost a nickel since the first of the...

Palmer Amaranth Adaptability

Dr. Ramon Leon and Dr. Jay Ferrell, Extension Weed Specialists – West Florida REC, Jay and Agronomy Department, University of Florida Palmer amaranth, commonly referred to as Palmer pigweed, is perhaps the most problematic weed in the southern USA, especially in...