by Mark Mauldin | May 7, 2021
Mark Mauldin, Ag & Natural Resources Agent Washington County, Dr. Barry Tillman Peanut Breeder UF/IFAS NFREC, and Camila Ichazo This year’s peanut seeds may have just gone into the ground, but it’s never too early to take steps to maximize your crop’s yield...
by Nicholas Dufault | Apr 30, 2021
Nick Dufault, UF/IFAS State Extension Pathologist, Ethan Carter, Regional Crop IPM Agent, De Broughton, Regional Specialized Agent, and Ian Small, UF/IFAS Plant Pathologist Peanut planting has already begun in Florida, so preseason decisions, such as varietal...
by Ethan Carter | Apr 30, 2021
Dr. Glen Harris, UGA-Tifton, Extension Agronomist for Soils & Fertilizer, Dr. Mike Mulvaney, WFREC Jay, Cropping Systems Specialist UF, and Ethan Carter Regional Crop IPM Agent – – With the 2021 crop season upon us, many people have already spread...
by Michael Mulvaney | Apr 9, 2021
Michael J. Mulvaney, UF/IFAS Cropping Systems Specialist, CCA – Check the germ rate of your seed I was shocked last year to see so many skippy stands, because we didn’t check the germ rate. Many peanut fields had 2 plants/ft! At that rate, you’ve taken your...
by Libbie Johnson | Mar 26, 2021
– Aldicarb products are restricted use pesticides used primarily to control mites, nematodes and insect pests in a limited number of crops. These products are closely regulated because of their toxicity. Visit this site to read the AgLogic’s...
by Libbie Johnson | Mar 12, 2021
Keith Rucker, Bayer U.S., recently shared the following with UF/IFAS Plant Pathologists: Bayer finally received approval for a 2ee label which adds Aspergillus as a pest to the Velum label. This is based off of multiple years of research done by Dr. Tim Brenneman at...