by Doug Mayo | Feb 22, 2019
At the recent Florida Peanut Producer’s Banquet, a representative from the National Peanut Board shared what they are doing to help prevent peanut allergies. Peanut allergies have been a major concern of the industry for some time. According to the National...
by Doug Mayo | Jan 25, 2019
This week’s featured video, called “Picking Peanuts” was produced by a Jackson County Farmer, Jim McArthur, McArthur Farms, Bascom, Florida. He actually shared this video through his YouTube channel and Facebook page in late September. Many of us...
by Michael Mulvaney | Nov 2, 2018
Dr. Michael J. Mulvaney and Dr. David L. Wright, Cropping Systems Specialists, UF/IFAS In response to requests for information about post-hurricane mitigation for producers in the Florida Panhandle, this statement is meant to serve as a starting point for farmers and...
by Ian Small | Oct 5, 2018
Dan Anco & Kendall Kirk, Clemson, Ian Small, & David Wright, UF/IFAS When it comes time to dig peanuts at the end of the growing season, many things influence how many pods make it into the basket. Research by Dan Anco and collaborators has documented two...
by Libbie Johnson | Sep 28, 2018
For most row crop growers in Florida, Tropical Storm Gordon had minimal impact. However, in the westernmost part of the state, much of the cotton suffered significant damage. Though the winds were not extremely strong, the combination of saturated soils and winds...
by Doug Mayo | Sep 28, 2018
If you want to help feeding hungry people in Florida’s Panhandle this year, you can donate peanut butter during the annual Peanut Butter Challenge, coordinated by UF/IFAS Extension. Thanks to a partnership of UF/IFAS Extension and the Florida Peanut Producers...