Peanuts Hit Hard by Nematodes this Year

Peanuts Hit Hard by Nematodes this Year

A hot and dry summer for many Panhandle farmers has given no relief from pests this year. Peanut root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne arenaria) are no an exception. Damage from nematodes has been severe in many areas of Jackson County where the fields are very sandy....

Pepper Spot Showing Up in Panhandle Peanuts

As we head into the home stretch of  2014 peanut production, most farmers are working diligently to mange and control leaf spot and white mold in their peanuts. Many farmers are familiar with Early and Late leaf spot and the occasional chemical related spotting on the...
Yellowing in Peanuts Due to Manganese Deficiency

Yellowing in Peanuts Due to Manganese Deficiency

Recently, I have visited several peanut fields in Holmes County that are demonstrating yellowing foliage that is easily observed from a passing vehicle.  There are several possible causes of symptoms like this including nitrogen problems due to wet soils or poor...

2014 Peanut Field Day a Success

The 36th annual UF/IFAS Peanut Field Day took place this past Thursday, August 14th at the North Florida Research and Education Center in Marianna.   The event showcased some of the latest research being conducted on peanut production from the University of Florida,...
White Mold Management in Peanuts

White Mold Management in Peanuts

The 2014 Panhandle peanut crop is developing at a normal pace. Soilborne disease control programs have begun, mainly targeting white mold.  Some fields are also being treated for foliage feeding caterpillars. As peanut farmers progress further into their white mold...
Beet Armyworms in Peanut Fields

Beet Armyworms in Peanut Fields

It’s that time of year when all kinds of insect pests are moving, especially caterpillars. Armyworms have been present but sporadic in hay fields, cotton and peanuts the past couple weeks across the Panhandle. Rome Ethridge, the Ag Agent in Seminole Co. Georgia,...