Friday Feature:  Autonomous Irrigation Unit for Row Crops

Friday Feature: Autonomous Irrigation Unit for Row Crops

This week’s featured video shares an innovation for crop irrigation.  Rain 360 is an autonomous (self-driving) irrigation unit that can apply up to 1/2″ of water per week in a 160-acre field, 3/4″ per week in a 100-acre field, or 1″ per week in...

Panhandle Corn & Soybean Update – Presentation Links

The second annual Panhandle Corn & Soybean Update took place in Chipley last Friday. The event was a great success, with standing room only in the classroom. Attendees received updates on: 1) Weed, 2) Insect, 3) Disease, and 4) Fertility management strategies in...
Georgia Grain News  6-11-22

Georgia Grain News 6-11-22

Rome Ethredge, UGA Interim Grains and Soybean Agronomist   Soybean Early System Indeterminate soybeans are now setting pods. They set them starting at the bottom of the plant and work their way up. The plant keeps growing and blooming. Determinate varieties, like...