by Michael Mulvaney | Nov 2, 2018
Dr. Michael J. Mulvaney and Dr. David L. Wright, Cropping Systems Specialists, UF/IFAS In response to requests for information about post-hurricane mitigation for producers in the Florida Panhandle, this statement is meant to serve as a starting point for farmers and...
by Doug Mayo | Sep 7, 2018
Throughout my 22 year history as an Extension Agent, I have been the first responder for all sorts of strange things farmers, ranchers, and landowners encounter. This is one of the critical roles county agents play all over the country. If you see something odd or...
by Judy Biss | Apr 6, 2018
Farmers and ranchers must manage traditional business practices to be successful, but they also deal with the many challenges of ever changing weather. Rain, wind, and temperature are important and obvious aspects of weather that producers track on a daily basis, but...
by Ethan Carter | Apr 6, 2018
Last year, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered new dicamba herbicide product formulations for making applications to dicamba tolerant cotton and soybean crops. As a result, many states were overwhelmed with drift complaints regarding sensitive crops....
by Ethan Carter | Mar 16, 2018
Ethan Carter, Regional Crop IPM Agent, and Zane Grabau, UF/IFAS Nematologist Newly registered for Florida, AgLogic 15GG (gypsum formulation) is a granular nematicide available for use in Florida cotton and peanut. The active ingredient in this product is aldicarb,...
by Zane Grabau | Sep 29, 2017
I’ve had the opportunity to visit a number of grower fields this summer to assess potential nematode damage and I’ve often been asked this question: “Why is nematode damage worse in one section of a field than another, or worse in one field than another one...