Soybean Rust Confirmed in Quincy Soybeans

Soybean Rust Confirmed in Quincy Soybeans

Soybean rust appeared early this year.  The mild, wet winter has resulted in a higher incidence and severity of soybean rust found on kudzu than in recent years.  Soybean rust was confirmed in early planted soybean sentinel plots on June 2, at University of Florida,...

Crop Pest Patrol Hotline

Syngenta has sponsored a Pest Patrol Hotline for row crop producers.  Each week the Pest Patrol Hotline (toll free call) offers timely pest updates from leading university entomologists. Listen to recorded messages that provide reports on current threat levels, local...

Have You Decided Which Commodity Support Program to Elect?

John VanSickle, Rod Clouser, Marina Arouca, UF/IFAS Food and Resource Economics Department The 2014 Farm Bill introduced changes to farm commodity programs.  The safety net is now composed of two new programs, Price Loss Coverage (PLC) and Agricultural Risk Coverage...
Soybean Rust Update

Soybean Rust Update

Soybean Rust is Around but Not on Soybeans Since its arrival in the United States in 2004, soybean rust has developed into more of a problem in the southeastern U.S, than in other areas of the country.  To monitor disease prevalence and spread, soybean rust sentinel...