2022 Panhandle Ag e-News Reader’s Choice Awards

2022 Panhandle Ag e-News Reader’s Choice Awards

The Panhandle Ag Extension Team would like to thank our email subscribers and social media followers for your interest and support of Panhandle Ag e-News in 2022.  Keep sharing those emails, posts, and tweets to help us spread the word, so more farmers and ranchers...
Friday Feature:  What Causes Weather?

Friday Feature: What Causes Weather?

Farmers and ranchers, people who work outdoors, and people who enjoy outdoor recreation all constantly seek information about weather.  All of these people are regular users of TV weather forecasts and apps on smart phones that provide daily updates of the most...
Friday Feature:  Farm Bureau’s 2023 Farm Dog of the Year

Friday Feature: Farm Bureau’s 2023 Farm Dog of the Year

American Farm Bureau held their national conference recently in Puerto Rico.  One of the recognitions shared at the event was the 2023 Farm Dog of the year.  This year a Kansas farm dog named Tough was selected for this honor.  Watch the video to hear Tough’s...
Friday Feature: Barn2Door Online Farm Direct Sales

Friday Feature: Barn2Door Online Farm Direct Sales

One thing that has changed dramatically in our country since 2020 is online sales of consumer products.  This includes direct sales from farms of all types.  The challenge is that much of the technology needed to make online sales work smoothly requires a significant...