Managing Pine Stands for Straw Production

Managing Pine Stands for Straw Production

Landowners and managers are always looking for ways to maximize the production value of their planted pine stands. Marketing pine straw is an alternative management practice, which has the potential to do just that. Pine straw is great for weed suppression in...
Friday Feature:  U.S. Farming from 1865 to 1900

Friday Feature: U.S. Farming from 1865 to 1900

This week’s featured video is a 1968 16mm film that shares the history and challenges of farming in the U.S. from the end of the Civil War to the early 1900s.  Farmers in the late 1800s had some significant obstacles to overcome with almost no unified voice. ...
Friday Feature:  Carol of the Carillon Bells at UF

Friday Feature: Carol of the Carillon Bells at UF

This week’s featured video is a special holiday treat from the University of Florida.  You may have seen Century Tower on the main campus (built in 1953 to commemorate 100 years of UF), or at least seen pictures of the iconic landmark of the University of...
Friday Feature:  The American Farmer Tribute

Friday Feature: The American Farmer Tribute

Farm City Week is celebrated across America the week before Thanksgiving. Farm City Week celebrates the bounty agriculture provides our local economy and citizens.  The point is to celebrate the innovations in farming technology and the 2% of the U.S. population that...