by Cheryl Mackowiak | Jan 13, 2023
Cheryl Mackowiak, Soil Scientist, UF/IFAS North Florid Research and Education Center What do you get when you follow a mild la Niña fall with a subfreezing, multi-day cold snap in Florida? You get Climate Chaos with a lot of winter forage damage and unhappy livestock....
by Marcelo Wallau | Jan 13, 2023
By: Dr. Marcelo Wallau, UF/IFAS Extension Forage Specialist; Mark Mauldin, UF/IFAS Extension Washington County; Dr. Ali Babar, Associate Professor UF/IFAS Agronomy Department Cool-season annual forages are widely used in North Florida grazing systems. Florida’s...
by Marcelo Wallau | Dec 16, 2022
Ashley Kuhn, Communications Coordinator, and Marcelo Wallau, Forage Extension Specialist, UF/IFAS Agronomy Department Have you seen our new and improved UF Forage Team website? We now have a hub for quick and easy access to all things related to forages for...
by Mark Mauldin | Nov 18, 2022
There’s a perfect storm of sorts developing , so cattle producers throughout the Panhandle need to be prepared to weather it. Thankfully, the storm taking shape is not a tropical system spinning up in the Gulf, this storm relates to the mounting challenges...