Weather Preventing Hay Harvest

Weather Preventing Hay Harvest

Jackson County Cattlemen Mack Glass and Jeff Pittman shared their frustration of the weather this year with News Reporter, Bergen Baucom, WJHG Channel 7 Panama City.  In the early growing season limited rainfall reduced grass growth.  In July, almost daily rains have...
Bermudagrass Stem Maggot ID and Management

Bermudagrass Stem Maggot ID and Management

Bermudagrass stem maggots (Atherigona reversura) are a relatively new pest of Bermudagrass hayfields in the Southeast, only being discovered in the region in 2010.  Identifying the damage is fairly easy, it looks like a light frost has burnt the top growth of the...

How Much Hay Is Enough?

We always know at some point whether we had enough hay for the winter and whether it was good enough. Sometimes it’s now when we’re running out of hay, and sometimes that point can be next fall when you have more open cows at pregnancy check or fewer and lighter...

Soil Test First!

Matthew Orwat, Horticulture Agent I, Washington County Extension Last week’s warm spring-like weather has reminded producers that it is time to prepare this year’s fertility  management plan. This reminder is timely because there is still time to prepare for the...

New Fact Sheets available on EDIS

The University of Florida database of fact sheets called EDIS (Electronic Data Information Source) has some new publications that may be of interest to farmers and ranchers in Northwest Florida.   Identification and Control of Southern Sandbur (Cenchrus...

What’s in Your Hay?

By: Mike Goodchild, Walton County Extension Agent Most of us have heard the credit card advertisement “What’s in Your Wallet?” (which may not be much these days given the cost of feed and fertilizer).  It is important to know, however, what’s in your hay.  For around...