Hay Producers Need to Scout For Horsenettles

  Some of Walton County’s perennial peanut producers are experiencing an outbreak of Horsenettles (Solanum carolinense).  This pasture weed is also known as love-apple or wild tomato in panhandle Florida, and is toxic to humans and livestock.  It is often...

Washington County Update – Wet Fields!

There is a growing anxiety about the corn harvest with its high moisture content and lack of available storage. Field conditions are wet making it hard for equipment to cross fields. Cotton fields need to dry out or disease pressure will rise. Diseases such as white...

Wakulla Farmers Making Hay, When the Sun Shines

After a dry spring, the return of semi-regular rains in June was greatly appreciated by farmer and ranchers in Wakulla County.  The situation reversed with Tropical Storm Debbie’s 20 plus inches of rain in late June. Through July and into August the rains have come...

Washington County Update

Timely showers have crops in very good shape. Corn harvest is underway. Peanuts, cotton and soybeans are progressing nicely.  Hay harvest is halted until fair weather but forages are continue to grow rapidly.  The condition of cattle is good with good pasture...

Washington County: Crop Conditions Good

Summer rains are coming on a regular basis and with sufficient quantity. Corn, cotton, soybeans and peanuts are all looking very good, better than they have in the past three years. Pressure from Army Worms is still a problem in fertilized hay fields. Scouting is...