2023 Row Crop Short Course Highlights & Presentation Links

2023 Row Crop Short Course Highlights & Presentation Links

The 2023 Panhandle Row Crop Short Course was held Thursday, March 2.  The event had record breaking attendance going back at least a decade, with 160 people turning out. Extension Specialists from Florida and Georgia spoke to row crops farmers regarding key production...
Is a Year-Round Grazing System Feasible in North Florida?

Is a Year-Round Grazing System Feasible in North Florida?

Jose Dubeux, L. Queiroz, D. Jaramillo, L. Garcia, E. Santos, I. Bretas, M. Bernardini, K.R. Trumpp, J. Portuguez, H. Koury, K. Oduor, M. Ruiz-Moreno, North Florida Research and Educaiton Center – Maraianna   Introduction Is it possible to graze livestock on...
New UF/IFAS Forage Team Website

New UF/IFAS Forage Team Website

Ashley Kuhn, Communications Coordinator, and Marcelo Wallau, Forage Extension Specialist, UF/IFAS Agronomy Department   Have you seen our new and improved UF Forage Team website? We now have a hub for quick and easy access to all things related to forages for...