Agroforestry:  Working Toward Diverse Intercropping

Agroforestry: Working Toward Diverse Intercropping

Stephen Greer, County Extension Director, UF/IFAS Extension Santa Rosa County Agroforestry comes in many forms where trees, the primary crop, are managed in combination with other crops and/or animals to create a more diverse agriculture community with the potential...
The Art and Science of Grazing Management

The Art and Science of Grazing Management

Jose Dubeux, UF/IFAS Forage Management Specialist Grazing management is a mix of art and science. The “art” comes from the action of managing livestock in a given landscape, and learning based on experience. The “science” comes from...
Virtual Cool-Season Forage Tour with Ann Blount

Virtual Cool-Season Forage Tour with Ann Blount

On Friday, March13, 2020 the University of Florida cancelled or postponed all in-person training activities to slow the spread of the Conronavirus.  One of the events this effected was the Twilight Cool-Season Forage Tour that had been scheduled for March 17th, at the...