Horse Owners Help Protect Water Quality With New Tool

Horse Owners Help Protect Water Quality With New Tool

– Tory Moore, Public Relations Specialist, UF/IFAS Communications Managing manure can be a challenge for horse owners. One horse can produce an average of 50 pounds of waste per day and with an estimated 385,000 horses in Florida, that waste piles up. A new...
Cool-Season Forages – A Pasture Perspective for 2022

Cool-Season Forages – A Pasture Perspective for 2022

Ann Blount, Marcelo Wallau, Esteban Rios, Joe Vendramini, Jose Dubeux, Ali Babar, Kevin Kenworthy and Ken Quesenberry, UF/IFAS Agronomy Department Time is fast approaching to plant our cool-season forages for Florida. Seed prices have been stable this season, however...
Grazing Stocker Cattle on Warm-Season Annual Forages

Grazing Stocker Cattle on Warm-Season Annual Forages

Chris Prevatt, UF/IFAS Livestock & Forage Economist In the areas of the Southern U.S. that received adequate rainfall this spring and summer, grazing warm-season annual forages has remained an economically viable option for many producers. A warm-season annual...
Grazing Management – Making the Most of the Available Forage

Grazing Management – Making the Most of the Available Forage

As I travel around Jackson County lately I have noticed that pasture grass is in short supply on most livestock operations.  The combination of flash drought (95-102° temperatures without rainfall) and little fertilization of pastures has taken its toll.  To me the...