Friday Feature:  Jackson County Forest Industry Tour Highlights

Friday Feature: Jackson County Forest Industry Tour Highlights

Every October, the Florida Forestry Association (the other FFA) celebrates Florida Forests Week as a time to promote the timber industry in the state!  This year, Florida Forest Week was October 22-28.  In Jackson County, a tour was organized by John Alter, Malone,...
Friday Feature:  What it Takes to Farm Peanuts

Friday Feature: What it Takes to Farm Peanuts

October is peanut harvest season, but it is also the month of the Peanut Butter Challenge across Florida.  To celebrate the kickoff of the Peanut Butter Challenge, I thought it would be a great time to share this wonderful video published by Georgia Public...
Friday Feature:  World’s Tallest Steer

Friday Feature: World’s Tallest Steer

This week’s featured video was published by the Guinness World Records to recognize Tommy the World’s Tallest Steer.  Tommy is a 13 year old, 6’1″ Brown Swiss Steer, owned by Fred Balawender, Cheshire, Massachusetts.  He was named after Tom...
Florida Farm TEAM Card for Agriculture Sales Tax Exemption

Florida Farm TEAM Card for Agriculture Sales Tax Exemption

  On July 1, 2023, Senate Bill 1164 / House Bill 1279 became law as Florida Chapter 2023-154.  This bill covered a range of items that the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) will regulate.  One key part of this bill was the creation...