by Andrea Albertin | May 24, 2024
In the Florida Panhandle, dryland row crop farmers, Shedrick McGriff, Jackson County, and Phillip Melvin, Calhoun County, implement Best Management Practices or BMPs that improve their farming operations while also protecting water quality in the Chipola River...
by Andrea Albertin | Jan 5, 2024
Aaron and Alice Granberry and their grandson, Aaron Granberry III manage a cattle ranch near Marianna, Florida. The Granberrys have implemented Best Management Practices (BMPs) to increase sustainability and protect groundwater quality on their farm. These BMPs...
by Ethan Carter | Sep 15, 2023
Ethan Carter, UF/IFAS Regional Crop IPM Agent; Audrey Gamble, AU Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences; Ann Blount, Southern Seed Certification As corn harvest wraps up and the peanut/cotton harvest begins, now is the time to plan for and coordinate a field’s...
by Andrea Albertin | Jun 16, 2023
Andrea Albertin, UF/IFAS Water Regional Extension Agent, and Doug Mayo, UF/IFAS Jackson County Craig Bishop, Jackson County, is a row crop farmer who grows, peanuts, corn, cotton, and soybeans. Steve “Beaver” Yoder, Calhoun County, is a cattle rancher who...
by Donna Arnold | Jun 16, 2023
Embarking on a farming journey can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, it requires a solid understanding of key principles and practices to ensure success. Many times, failure is experienced when a person jumps headfirst into farming without...