Beef Herd Expansion Progress Report

Derrell S. Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist We are now two years into herd expansion and that leads to questions of how much more herd expansion is ahead and, to a lesser degree, questions about how fast remaining herd expansion...

Cotton Marketing News: Prices “Lost in Space”

In the 1960’s, a popular TV show “Lost in Space” chronicled the adventures of the “space family Robinson” whose space ship was thrown off course by a meteor shower. Oddly, one of my favorite characters on the show was the Robot. When there was danger present, the...
Population Growing but US Farm Acreage Declining

Population Growing but US Farm Acreage Declining

One of the areas of critical concern world-wide is how to meet the food demands for a growing world population while farmland acres continue to shrink.  As you can see from the chart above, the U.S. Census Bureau is currently predicting that the world population will...

2016 Beef Conference Highlights with Links to Presentations

The 31st annual Northwest Florida Beef Conference was one of the best in the long history of this event.  175 people attended the event this year that featured seven presentations and a trade show of 28 companies and organizations that provide products and services to...
Cotton Marketing News:  February Report Not a Valentine

Cotton Marketing News: February Report Not a Valentine

February has thus far been a brutal month for cotton prices. Old crop May16 futures prices have lost 4 cents per pound and new crop Dec16 futures have lost over 3½ cents. This represents a 6% loss in value just within the past 10 days or so. Both old crop and new crop...