Preparing Your Farm for the Cold Weather this Weekend

Preparing Your Farm for the Cold Weather this Weekend

Cold weather is forecast for this weekend, but how cold will it get in your area?  The National Weather Service has developed a nice tool to help with this:  Once on the website you can either use a pointer on a map or the name...
CDC COVID19 Farm Worker Safety Guidance

CDC COVID19 Farm Worker Safety Guidance

– Farm workers are actively engaged in produce and other fresh commodity harvests  all across the country.  Earlier this week during a press conference, Governor Ron DeSantis pointed out that a significant percentage of the recent rise in COVID19 positive cases...
Farm Groups Partner to Help Farmers Manage Stress

Farm Groups Partner to Help Farmers Manage Stress

Source: American Farm Bureau News Relaese In the coming months, American Farm Bureau will combine our Rural Resilience initiative with Farm State of Mind, which we have recently acquired from Bayer.   As any farmer or rancher can tell you, farm life can be demanding...