by external | Apr 3, 2020
Don Shurley, UGA Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics – The destruction of markets and prices due to the impacts of the coronavirus are unprecedented. In 40 years as an economist and analyst—30 years of that in cotton, I’ve not seen anything like this....
by Chris Prevatt | Mar 13, 2020
– As the U.S. cattle industry turns the corner of this cattle cycle producers have begun asking the question, “How much should I pay for a bred replacement heifer this year?” This is indeed a tough question to answer because cow-calf producers and their...
by Molly Jameson | Mar 13, 2020
– Through the dog days of summer, the chillingly cold days of winter, and everything in-between, the managers and volunteers coordinating the Red Hills Small Farm Alliance (RHSFA) Red Hills Online Market (RHO Market) pick-up days have endured it all. But much...
by external | Feb 28, 2020
Don Shurley, UGA Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics The coronavirus is the big factor in the news lately. It’s hard to separate fact from rumor, or know how much to believe what you hear in the news. I believe what we hear is a mix of the facts seasoned with...
by Doug Mayo | Feb 21, 2020
– The 35th annual Northwest Florida Beef Conference was a great success, thanks to everyone who participated. There were 181 people registered, but 202 steaks were served for lunch. There were 25 companies and organizations represented in the Trade Show. ...
by external | Feb 7, 2020
Derrell S. Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist The latest Cattle report issued by USDA confirms that cyclical herd expansion in the U.S. is over. The total inventory of all cattle and calves on January 1, 2020 was 94.413 million...