Cotton Marketing News:  Cotton Continues to Need Clarity

Cotton Marketing News: Cotton Continues to Need Clarity

Don Shurley, UGA Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics A week or so ago, as I left early one morning for work, the fog was so bad you literally could not see how to drive.  Literally, every foot down the road, at not more than 20 mph, was an unknown and an accident...
2019 Beef Conference Summary with Links to Presentations

2019 Beef Conference Summary with Links to Presentations

The 34th annual Northwest Florida Beef Conference & Trade Show was held on Wednesday, February 13. A record crowd of 191 ranchers, cattle industry professionals, and extension faculty participated in the event. There were five educational presentations, as well as...
Cotton Marketing News:  Fundamentals, Fear and Uncertainty

Cotton Marketing News: Fundamentals, Fear and Uncertainty

The cotton market is currently in a decline.  Old crop (2018) prices have dropped 20 cents/lb since the highs back in June, and most recently fallen 6 cents over just the past month.  Low prices are never good, but this is particularly bad given that many growers...
Cotton Marketing News:  The Problems and the Possibilities

Cotton Marketing News: The Problems and the Possibilities

Don Shurley, Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics Nearby March futures seems to be working its way into a corner.  There still seems to be solid support around 77 cents but then a hurdle to negotiate (or ceiling to break through) at around 82.  March is currently...