by Doug Mayo | Jul 7, 2017
This week’s featured video was developed by the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation. They have launched a campaign called The Peanut Program Works to provide support for the Price Loss Coverage or PLC Program implemented with the 2014 Farm Bill, as lawmakers...
by Doug Mayo | Apr 21, 2017
There are approximately two million farms in the U.S. There are also approximately 900,000 kids who live on farms, and more than half (51%) work on the farms where they live. Farms annually hire an additional 265,000 youth workers. Farms, however, are a dangerous...
by Molly Jameson | Mar 31, 2017
If you are a produce farmer, you should have heard about the Food Safety Modernization Act, or FSMA, by now. This act, which was passed in 2011, is considered the largest update to food safety regulation in over 80 years. The proposed produce safety rule under the...
by Nicholas Dufault | Oct 21, 2016
By: Nicholas Dufault, Rebecca Barocco, and Sajeewa Amaradasa There have been many concerns this year with potato seed management related to the Blackleg problem, caused by Dickeya dianthicola, in the northern seed producing states (Figure 1). Seed borne diseases, such...
by Nicholas Dufault | Jun 10, 2016
Nicholas Dufault and Rebecca Barocco, UF-IFAS Dept. of Plant Pathology Back in 2013, the Suwannee Valley as well as other parts of the southeastern U.S. were hit with 10 to 25 inches of rainfall in the month of June, which was partly related to Tropical Storm Andrea....
by Doug Mayo | Dec 19, 2014
Source: USDA Farm Service Agency Greater protection is now available from the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) for crops that traditionally have been ineligible for federal crop insurance. The new options, created by the 2014 Farm Bill, provide...