Assessing Structural Damage After the Storm

Assessing Structural Damage After the Storm

The United States has suffered a series of devastating natural disasters in a relatively short time: September’s Hurricane Florence in North Carolina, October’s Hurricane Michael in Panhandle Florida, November’s Camp Fires in California, and most recently, the...
Cotton Marketing News:  The Problems and the Possibilities

Cotton Marketing News: The Problems and the Possibilities

Don Shurley, Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics Nearby March futures seems to be working its way into a corner.  There still seems to be solid support around 77 cents but then a hurdle to negotiate (or ceiling to break through) at around 82.  March is currently...
Farmer Stress Management After the Storm

Farmer Stress Management After the Storm

Living and working on a farm or cattle ranch offers many obstacles and opportunities to grow, change, and develop. Many farmers and producers, however, live under constant stress and anxiety of how and when decisions need to be made and the lasting effect it will have...
Documentation for USDA-FSA Disaster Relief Programs

Documentation for USDA-FSA Disaster Relief Programs

  Following the USDA-FSA (United States Department of Agriculture-Farm Service Agency) meetings that were held across the Panhandle in response to Hurricane Michael, one word was a common factor program qualification: DOCUMENTATION! In fact, most times it was said...
Hurricane Preparation for Your Farm

Hurricane Preparation for Your Farm

Farmers in Florida worry every fall about potential damage from a hurricane.  Most of the media attention focuses on families in coastal communities, but not as much attention is provided for farmers and ranchers. Emergency responders are also likely to target their...