by Michael Mulvaney | Feb 9, 2018
It’s only February, but it will be April before you know it. That means it is time to start planning for peanut and cotton planting season. Variety selection Peanut If you’re a peanut grower, you’re placing your orders for GA-06G now. Which is great – it’s a cultivar...
by Judy Biss | Jan 26, 2018
I wear hearing aids, so that makes the subject of hearing loss near and dear to my heart! My hearing loss is due primarily to long term exposure to noisy equipment. Let’s face it, farming is a noisy occupation! The damage to hearing from exposure to loud noise is...
by Doug Mayo | Oct 20, 2017
Clyde Fraisse, AgroClimate Project Director While ENSO-Neutral conditions are still present in the Pacific Ocean, a La Niña Watch was issued by the NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) on October 9, 2017. The chances for a La Nina to develop this Fall are...
by Molly Jameson | Aug 25, 2017
Under the Cottage Food Law in the state of Florida, individuals can sell certain foods they produce in unlicensed home kitchens, if the food has a low risk of foodborne illness, as outlined in Section 500.80 of the Florida Statutes. These food products must be sold...
by Doug Mayo | Aug 11, 2017
Today, August 11 is “National 811 Day,” so it is only fitting to share an Ag-Safety reminder to “Call or Click Before You Dig.” There are pipelines and utility lines buried all over the place in rural areas. In fact, there are more than 1,250...
by Doug Mayo | Aug 4, 2017
Crop insurance for beekeeper operations has been expanded to include 19 additional states and now spans the entire 48 contiguous states. On July 27th, U.S.Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Risk Management Agency (RMA) announced changes to the Apiculture Pilot...