by Molly Jameson | Mar 12, 2021
– Throughout the Panhandle and Big Bend Region of Florida, many residents struggle to access healthy foods. Of the 20 Florida counties with the most people living in poverty, more than half are in the Panhandle and Big Bend Region. Unfortunately, poverty leads...
by Ray Bodrey | Feb 5, 2021
There are many farming systems utilized world-wide, with conventional agriculture being the most prevalent. However, alternative systems, like organic and all-natural farming, are becoming more popular than ever before. – Organic Farming With any farming system,...
by Matt Lollar | Jan 15, 2021
Whether you are starting an orchard or planting a few pecan trees to diversify your small farm, there are a number of things you should consider first such as recommended cultivars (cultivated varieties), tree spacing, and nutrition. Although there are a lot of...
by Stephen Greer | Jan 8, 2021
– Stephen Greer, Santa Rosa County County Extension Director Thinking about starting a small farm enterprise or diversifying your existing operation? Starting a new venture of this kind is very exciting, but it can also be very challenging. The challenges are...
by Matt Lollar | Dec 18, 2020
Agritourism has been adopted by a number of farms in the state as an additional source of income. Tourists from across the country and abroad are choosing to lodge at hotel alternatives such as the homes, cottages, and suites of private landowners and state and...
by Matt Lollar | Jul 24, 2020
There are many species of clearwing moths that affect various fruit and ornamental trees. The most common species in the southeast is the peachtree borer. However, another species of clearwing moth causes damage to olive trees. The larval stage of these species...