Tools to Aid Freeze & Cold Protection in Florida Citrus

Tools to Aid Freeze & Cold Protection in Florida Citrus

Because of the extended hard freeze event in December of 2022, citrus farmers in the Panhandle will have a greatly reduced citrus harvest this year. It is very hard to prepare in advance for stressful weather like freezing temperatures, but if you equip yourself with...
Storm Damage to Fruit and Nut Trees

Storm Damage to Fruit and Nut Trees

Hurricane Idalia hit the Big Bend of Florida last week causing damage to a variety of crops.  While some areas may have been devastated by flooding, fruit and nut trees were mainly affected by heavy winds.  Usually, younger trees are more susceptible to being blown...
The Pollinating Power of Bumble Bees

The Pollinating Power of Bumble Bees

  There are five social species of bumble bees (Bombus spp.) native to Florida, and each is an important pollinator throughout the state. European honeybees provide about 85 percent of our pollinating activity that is vital for supplying one-quarter to one-third...