by Ann Blount | Mar 18, 2022
Kelly Thomas, Ann Blount, Gary Knox, and Cheryl Mackowiak, UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center, Quincy This is the time of year when we begin to see perennial peanut peeking out from under the soil and showing small leaves that signal the...
by bobhoch | Mar 11, 2022
Bob Hochmuth with input from Suwannee Valley Extension Agents: Mark Warren (Levy), Tyler Pittman (Gilchrist), Tatiana Sanchez (Alachua), Luke Harlow (Union), Jay Capasso (Columbia), Dan Fenneman (Madison), Keith Wynn (Hamilton), Danielle Sprague (Jefferson), Emily...
by Doug Mayo | Mar 4, 2022
This week’s featured video was published by Matt Ferrell to talk about Agrivoltaics. I have had several people ask me about the concept of farming or grazing under solar panels. With the push to seek alternative energy sources, solar farms are buying up farm...
by Molly Jameson | Feb 25, 2022
There are five social species of bumble bees (Bombus spp.) native to Florida, and each is an important pollinator throughout the state. European honeybees provide about 85 percent of our pollinating activity that is vital for supplying one-quarter to one-third...
by Daniel J. Leonard | Feb 18, 2022
For being in a place known as the Sunshine State, the Panhandle has been mighty cold and dreary to start 2022! With all the recent bitterly cold weather that’s rolled through our neck of the woods over the last month or so, area fruit producers may be asking...
by Mathews Paret | Feb 11, 2022
Mathews Paret, Susannah Da Silva, Kiersten Bushong, Josh Freeman, Bob Hochmuth and Jeff Jones, UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center Many bacterial diseases annually affect the 7,500 acres of watermelon production in North Florida. Among these...