by Matthew Orwat | Feb 12, 2021
– It is mid-February, so the spring growing season is just around the corner. Customers will be flocking to local farmers markets and looking for their favorite locally grown tomatoes. Although tomatoes are a favorite kitchen staple, they prove challenging to...
by Ray Bodrey | Feb 5, 2021
There are many farming systems utilized world-wide, with conventional agriculture being the most prevalent. However, alternative systems, like organic and all-natural farming, are becoming more popular than ever before. – Organic Farming With any farming system,...
by Doug Mayo | Feb 5, 2021
This week’s featured video was published by the Soil Health Institute to share the huge need to focus on improving the health and productivity of agricultural soils. With an ever growing world population, and shrinking acreage of productive farmland, the only...
by Xavier Martini | Jan 22, 2021
Xavier Martini, UF/IFAS North Florida REC, Department of Entomology, and Pasco Avery, UF/IFAS Indian River REC, Department of Entomology Cold hardy citrus is targeted by a various number of pests including scales, mites, and leafminers. In the absence of Asian citrus...
by Matt Lollar | Jan 15, 2021
Whether you are starting an orchard or planting a few pecan trees to diversify your small farm, there are a number of things you should consider first such as recommended cultivars (cultivated varieties), tree spacing, and nutrition. Although there are a lot of...
by external | Dec 18, 2020
Brett Bultemeier, UF/IFAS Pesticide Information Office – The Worker Protection Standard (WPS) applies to farms and operations that produce agricultural plant products. It was designed to protect those employees/workers that might encounter pesticides as part of...