by Danielle S. Williams | Sep 29, 2023
Proper plant disease and insect identification is essential in agriculture production. A prime example that we have seen in North Florida citrus is the presence of “friendly fungi”, an entomopathogenic fungi that attacks citrus whitefly and cloudywinged...
by Matt Lollar | Sep 8, 2023
Hurricane Idalia hit the Big Bend of Florida last week causing damage to a variety of crops. While some areas may have been devastated by flooding, fruit and nut trees were mainly affected by heavy winds. Usually, younger trees are more susceptible to being blown...
by Muhammad Shahid | Sep 8, 2023
Xinwei Liu, & Muhammad Shahid, UF Horticulture Sciences Department, and UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center Blackberry, in the genus Rubus of the family Rosaceae, is a nutritious fruit that is gaining increasing popularity. Blackberries are known...
by Mathews Paret | Jul 28, 2023
Samantha Murray, Public Relations Specialist, UF/IFAS Communications Service Mathews Paret, Vegetable Pathologist, North Florida Research and Education Center-Quincy, and professor in the UF/IFAS Plant Pathology Department, will step into the role of department chair...
by Matthew Orwat | Jun 30, 2023
Pecans have long been an important and high-value agricultural crop, and that hasn’t changed as we progress through the 21st century. Pecans are native to the USA and Mexico, with their natural habitat being riverbanks and floodplains west of the Mississippi River...
by Doug Mayo | Jun 30, 2023
This week’s featured video was produced by the Florida Department of Agriculture’s Office of Ag Water Policy to answer a basic question, “How to Enroll in the Ag BMP Program?” The video outlines the three basic steps of enrollment into Florida...