Recap and Presentations from the Tri-State Cucurbit Workshop

Recap and Presentations from the Tri-State Cucurbit Workshop

Thank you to all those who attended the Tri-State Cucurbit Workshop held in Jackson County on January 25, 2018!  There was a great turnout with participants from Florida, Alabama, and Georgia. Thank you to our presenters: Dr. Mathews Paret; Dr. Melanie Kalischuck; Dr....
Friday Feature:  The Domestication of Fruits and Vegetables

Friday Feature: The Domestication of Fruits and Vegetables

This week’s featured video shares the unique history of domestication of five familiar fruits and vegetables.  The video produced by Business Insider shows how farmers and scientists have been modifying genes for thousands of years through natural breeding and...
Protecting Fall Vegetable Crops after the Hurricane

Protecting Fall Vegetable Crops after the Hurricane

As if the fall season wasn’t challenging enough from a pest and disease perspective, throw in a hurricane and it gets much worse. Luckily, the storm missed most of the Panhandle. Tomato and cucurbit producing areas in Gadsden and Jackson counties likely saw the...
Cassava – A Crop for the Back Forty

Cassava – A Crop for the Back Forty

Cassava, also called yuca (not to be confused with the ornamental plant Yucca), tapioca, or manioc in other regions of the world, is a tropical root crop native to South America.  Cassava belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family, which is known for plants with milky sap...