Have a Plan for Efficient Winter Feeding

While these recent “cool” snaps have provided a welcome break from the summer heat, they bring with them a reminder that production from perennial pasture grasses are slowing down and will soon be dormant for the winter. Deciding how to meet the nutritional needs of...
Weather Played a Major Role on Peanut Yields in 2015

Weather Played a Major Role on Peanut Yields in 2015

Peanut harvest is in full swing in the Florida Panhandle, but producers have had challenges to crop success in the form of disease and erratic weather this year. White mold has been particularly troublesome this season.  On August 24th we dug and rated our University...
Carinata Meal: A Potential Feed Supplement

Carinata Meal: A Potential Feed Supplement

Nicolas DiLorenzo and Tessa Schulmeister, University of Florida NFREC, Marianna Florida Around this time of year as days begin to shorten, we are reminded that the time is approaching when we need to think about our beef cattle winter feeding strategy. You may have...
Jackson Cattlemen’s Tour Highlights

Jackson Cattlemen’s Tour Highlights

The Jackson County Cattlemen’s Association hosted their annual tour on August 13, 2015.  This year’s tour went to two farms and the local research station.  More than 80 people attended the tour this year.  MWI Veterinary Supply, Southern States and Farm...

The “Bud Box” and Double Alley Design for Cattle Pens

This past month as a part of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents Conference in South Dakota, I was given the opportunity, along with many other agents from across the country, to tour ranches and feedyards.  Several that we visited have redesigned...