Additional Rains Improve Washington County Situation

Rains over the past week have greatly improved crop and pasture conditions in Washington County.  The watermelon, sweet corn, and vegetable harvests are proceeding at a rapid pace. Peanuts and cotton are responding well to recent rains. Cattle conditions are improving...

Horse Nettle Blooming in Wakulla County

Delicate flowers disguise the potential problems of Horsenettle. The dainty yellow and white flowers belie the disaster potential of the plants. Horsenettles (Solanum carolinense) are blooming and producing fruit in Wakulla County. Horsenettle can be a serious weed...

Making Short-term Investments in Efficiency in the Good Times

Florida agriculture has remained viable and strong through the current economic downturn. The widely held view of financial vigor may have some long-term effects on commodity prices. Negotiations are heating up in Washington D.C. on the 2012 Farm Bill and all...

Washington County Conditions Improve, Melon Harvest Underway

Rains this week have provided enough moisture for Washington County farmers to resume planting. A byproduct of the recent dry weather is weed control has been difficult for crops in some fields.  Herbicides are not as effective, if at all, when the targeted plant is...