Florida Cattle Market Update: The Cull Cow Market

Florida Cattle Market Update: The Cull Cow Market

Prices for feeder cattle have well exceeded year ago levels, and that has been a hot topic over the last year. But what about the cull cow market? Steer and heifer prices are important to follow, but cull cows also play an important role in both the cattle market and...
USDA Animal Disease Traceability Update: EID Tags and More

USDA Animal Disease Traceability Update: EID Tags and More

Individually identifying animals is nothing new for the cattle industry. While many producers are familiar with traditional visual tags, there are some changes coming down the pipeline for individual animal identification.  The talk of animal traceability has been...
How Stress Impacts Cattle Reproduction

How Stress Impacts Cattle Reproduction

Mauro Venturini, Daniella Heredia, Maria Camila López, Angela Gonella Diaza, North Florida Research and Education Center, and Kalyn Waters, UF/IFAS Extension Holmes County Introduction Stress is defined as a physiological response to a threat. Stress and the...
Can Mixing Sunn Hemp with Corn Produce High-Quality Silage?

Can Mixing Sunn Hemp with Corn Produce High-Quality Silage?

Flavia F. Simili, Jose Dubeux, Igor L. Bretas, Luana M. D. Queiroz, Mario A. Lira Junior, Beatriz E. B. Cremostim, Rafael S. Reis, Javier P. Acuna, Kevin R. Trumpp, Kenneth Oduor, and Marilia A. Bernardini, North Florida Research and Education Center, Marianna...
January 2024 US Cattle Inventory Down 2%

January 2024 US Cattle Inventory Down 2%

  USDA’s National Agricultural Statistic Service (NASS) published their January 2024 Cattle Report on January 31st.  As was expected, the US January 1, 2024 all cattle inventory dropped another 2%, as compared to January 1, 2023.  NASS publishes an estimate...
Friday Feature:  John Deere Loader Dynamic Weighing System

Friday Feature: John Deere Loader Dynamic Weighing System

This week’s featured video was published by John Deere to highlight new innovation for tractors with loader attachments.  They have developed the technology to weigh round bales of hay, feed, or other products as you load the hay spear or bucket.  According to...