Check the Engine and Transmission before Bull Buying

Check the Engine and Transmission before Bull Buying

Whenever someone gets a new truck there are always two questions you have for them: What engine does it have? Which transmission did you get? These questions translate perfectly to bull sale season; when you purchase a bull, aside from all the major upgrades and...
Slick Haired Holstein Semen Now Widely Available

Slick Haired Holstein Semen Now Widely Available

Pete Hansen, UF/IFAS Dairy Reproductive Biology Specialist The slick hair mutation is a naturally occurring modification in the prolactin receptor gene that causes cattle to have unusually short hair. The mutation is a dominant trait, so cattle that inherit one or two...
Minimizing Round Bale Hay Waste

Minimizing Round Bale Hay Waste

  Source:  Proceedings of the 2024 NFREC Beef & Forage Field Day, Doug Mayo, UF/IFAS Extension Jackson County, and David Thomas, NFREC Beef Unit Manager Most ranches in the Southeast have the goal of producing or buying 4-6 round bales of hay or equivalent...