Friday Feature:  Clic R Weight for Cattle Management

Friday Feature: Clic R Weight for Cattle Management

At the recent NFREC Beef & Forage Field Day, one of the sponsors introduced relatively new technology for the cattle industry.  Clic R Weight has been working with Dr. Nicolas DiLorenzo, UF/IFAS Cattle Nutrition Specialist, to refine technology that can utilize...
Using an Autogenous Vaccine for Pinkeye

Using an Autogenous Vaccine for Pinkeye

  We have all heard it, “They don’t need that eye to eat,” which is a common misconception when it comes to the impacts of pinkeye in the cattle industry. Research shows that calves that are diagnosed with pinkeye will weigh between 20 to 40 pounds less at...
Is a Year-Round Grazing System Feasible in North Florida?

Is a Year-Round Grazing System Feasible in North Florida?

Jose Dubeux, L. Queiroz, D. Jaramillo, L. Garcia, E. Santos, I. Bretas, M. Bernardini, K.R. Trumpp, J. Portuguez, H. Koury, K. Oduor, M. Ruiz-Moreno, North Florida Research and Educaiton Center – Maraianna   Introduction Is it possible to graze livestock on...
Friday Feature:  Five Rivers Feedyard

Friday Feature: Five Rivers Feedyard

This week’s featured video was published by Cattlemen to Cattlemen to highlight the world’s largest cattle feeding operation, Five Rivers Feedyards.  Five Rivers puts a great deal of emphasis on ensuring that animals are healthy and well cared for.  Every...