by ndilorenzo | Dec 15, 2023
Nicloas DiLorenzo, Florida Bull Test Coordinator, and UF/IFAS Beef Nutrition Specialist The 24th annual Florida Bull Test was conducted at the University of Florida North Florida Research and Education center in Marianna in 2023. There were 115 consignments...
by Doug Mayo | Dec 8, 2023
This week’s featured video was published by Shade Haven to highlight their portable livestock shade equipment. Shade is very important for managing heat stress in grazing cattle. Shade Haven’s portable shades allow producers to move shade to where the...
by deanthonyprice | Oct 13, 2023
De’Anthony Price, Agriculture & Natural Resource Agent, UF/IFAS Extension Jefferson County Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) is a warm-season, annual legume native to India and Pakistan. The crop grows up to nine feet tall and was originally a fiber crop. In...
by ndilorenzo | Oct 6, 2023
Nicolas DiLorenzo and Tessa Schulmeister, UF/IFAS North Florida Research & Education Center, Marianna Carinata is a novel, non-food oilseed crop, gaining popularity because the oil from the seed can be extracted for use as a 100% drop-in jet biofuel. ...
by Doug Mayo | Sep 22, 2023
This week’s featured video was published by the Guinness World Records to recognize Tommy the World’s Tallest Steer. Tommy is a 13 year old, 6’1″ Brown Swiss Steer, owned by Fred Balawender, Cheshire, Massachusetts. He was named after Tom...
by Kalyn Waters | Aug 25, 2023
Dealing with pinkeye in cattle is a common and frustrating battle for the cattle industry. While the main issue may seem to be impairment of vision, major financial impact is found in an overall decline in cattle performance. A 1993 study estimated pinkeye costs U.S....