Friday Feature:  Jerry Dakin – Florida Farmer of the Year

Friday Feature: Jerry Dakin – Florida Farmer of the Year

This week’s featured video was produced by Florida Farm Bureau to share the story of Jerry Dakin, Dakin Diary Farms who was selected as Florida’s entry to compete in the Sunbelt Ag Expo’s Swisher Sweet Farmer of the Year recognition.  Dakin was one...
Foot Rot in Cattle this Summer

Foot Rot in Cattle this Summer

  I have been treating quite a bit of foot rot in my herd in the past month and odds are, if I am seeing it in the cattle we manage, everyone else is too. Thus, let us take a few minutes to review the ins and outs of foot rot. The bacterium that is responsible...
US Beef Cows Drop 2% in NASS July Cattle Inventory Report

US Beef Cows Drop 2% in NASS July Cattle Inventory Report

– The USDA National Agricultural Statistic Service (NASS) published their annual July 1 Cattle inventory Report on July 22, 2022.  There were not many surprises in this year’s report, but it is helpful to know the general trend in the US.  The total,...
Myth Busters: GnRH Hormone Edition

Myth Busters: GnRH Hormone Edition

Back in 2003 the Discovery Channel rolled out Myth Busters and we all started looking at things we accepted as truth and asking if they were BUSTED or CONFIRMED! While there are few people in the cattle industry blowing things up on a daily basis (not on purpose),...