by Doug Mayo | Oct 5, 2012
Pigeon Fever in Florida’s Horses (VM185) For the first time in recent history, Florida is seeing a large number of cases of pigeon fever in horses. As of June 2012, the state is reporting over 60 suspected equine cases in Okaloosa, Walton, and Marion...
by John Doyle Atkins | Oct 5, 2012
Recently an unusual weed has been spotted in pastures across Santa Rosa County. After research on the specific genus and species the weed has been identified as Crotalaria lanceolata (Lanceleaf Rattlebox). There are dozens of Crotalaria species in Florida. Most are...
by John Doyle Atkins | May 25, 2012
John Doyle Atkins, Santa Rosa County Extension It’s a question that has been strongly debated for years: How much land does a horse need for grazing here in northwest Florida? The horse is a non-ruminant herbivore and a grazing animal. A horse requires a...
by Doug Mayo | May 25, 2012
Almost every summer in Florida, horses die due to diseases spread by mosquitos. Eastern equine encephalomyelitis (EEE) takes the lives of several horses in the Panhandle each year. West Nile Virus (WNV) is also a concern, but is not as common as EEE. Both can be...
by Jennifer Bearden | Apr 20, 2012
A large animal veterinarian in north Florida has confirmed four cases of Pigeon Fever in Okaloosa and Walton Counties. Pigeon Fever is an infection caused by the bacteria, Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. There are three forms of this disease: external abscesses,...