Preparing for a Successful Grazing Season

Preparing for a Successful Grazing Season

Marcelo Wallau – UF/IFAS Forages Extension Specialist, Caitlin Bainum – UF Agronomy Department  MS Student and Marion Co. Agriculture & Natural Resources Extension Agent, and Liliane Severino da Silva –  UF Agronomy Department  PhD Student It is never too...
Friday Feature: Lock Jawz Insulators for T-Post Fences

Friday Feature: Lock Jawz Insulators for T-Post Fences

This week’s featured video was produced by Lock Jawz.  This farmer owned company has developed a unique fencing product designed to attach high-tensile, poly-wire, or barbed-wire to metal T-posts that are commonly used for fences in the region.  These...
Weed of the Week: Tropical Soda Apple

Weed of the Week: Tropical Soda Apple

This week’s featured weed is tropical soda apple, a serious weed problem in many pastures and natural areas of Florida.  This invasive weed is very prolific and can infest a pasture in a very short time.  Its fruit are toxic to goats, and the unpalatable thorny leaves...
Friday Feature:  Timeless Fence System

Friday Feature: Timeless Fence System

This week’s Friday featured video showcases an innovation in fence posts and braces for livestock fences.  Plastic Innovation, Greeneville, Tennessee has developed the Timeless Fence System that utilizes recycled plastic to create PVC t-posts and fence braces...
Cool Season Forages – What Grew Well this Year

Cool Season Forages – What Grew Well this Year

Every fall producers select which cool season forage varieties they want to utilize in their operations and by the following spring some are happy with the choices they made and others are not. In an effort to help producers make a more informed decision, UF/IFAS...