Keeping Pasture Weeds Under Control

Keeping Pasture Weeds Under Control

  A theme I have seen this past year is pasture weeds becoming a major nuisance for landowners and cattlemen. Weeds don’t just reach a threshold overnight, there is a time we can make an impact without breaking the farm budget. However, many times pasture weeds have...
Friday Feature:  Getting the Most from Your Hay

Friday Feature: Getting the Most from Your Hay

With so much rain this growing season, even producing average quality hay this year was a real challenge.  Not only was the weather a challenge, but the cost of fertilizer was much higher too.  So, you sure don’t want to waste any of the precious hay you grew or...
Asian Longhorned Tick found on North Georgia Cow

Asian Longhorned Tick found on North Georgia Cow

Jennifer Whitaker, Georgia Farm Bureau The Asian Longhorned Tick – an invasive species with the potential to cause severe anemia and tick fever in livestock – has been positively identified on a cow in Pickens County (North Central GA), the Georgia...