by Samantha Wisely | Mar 3, 2023
Samantha M. Wisely, UF/IFAS Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida The Panhandle of Florida has three species of canine wildlife: red fox, gray fox, and coyotes. Each species is unique in appearance and behavior, and each species...
by Samantha Wisely | Sep 23, 2022
Samantha Wisely & Bridget Baker, UF/IFAS Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Bird flu or avian influenza is a virus that circulates among wild birds around the world. Often when the virus comes into contact with domestic birds, like...
by external | Apr 8, 2022
Becky Funk, DVM, Animal Health Teaching and NE Extension Specialist, Jesse Fulton, Extension Educator, Director of Nebraska Beef Quality Assurance submission to the University of Nebraska’s Beefwatch Newsletter In 2017 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...
by external | Oct 8, 2021
Jennifer Whitaker, Georgia Farm Bureau The Asian Longhorned Tick – an invasive species with the potential to cause severe anemia and tick fever in livestock – has been positively identified on a cow in Pickens County (North Central GA), the Georgia...
by Doug Mayo | Feb 19, 2021
This week’s featured video is actually the trailer for a documentary that was published by the Practical Farmers of Iowa. Livestock on the Land is a concept not that different that the Sod-Based Rotation efforts that researchers at the University of Florida...
by Nick Simmons | Nov 6, 2020
The National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) has been around since the early 1930’s. The NPIP was developed to provide a cooperative industry, state, and federal program through which new diagnostic technology can be effectively applied to the improvement of...