Friday Feature:  Portable Shade for Rotational Grazing

Friday Feature: Portable Shade for Rotational Grazing

This week’s featured video was published by Shade Haven to highlight their portable livestock shade equipment.  Shade is very important for managing heat stress in grazing cattle.  Shade Haven’s portable shades allow producers to move shade to where the...
Pollinators in Agronomic Crops

Pollinators in Agronomic Crops

Given that the UF/IFAS Extension theme for the Sunbelt Ag Expo and the North Florida Fair exhibits were pollinators, I want to talk about pollinators in agronomic crops. Are they beneficial to your crops? Are crops beneficial to pollinators? Pollination by insects is...
Exploring the Ancient History of Florida’s Soils

Exploring the Ancient History of Florida’s Soils

  Exploring the Ancient History of Florida’s Soils Beneath the vibrant landscape of Florida lies a living canvas, a testimony to over 600 million years of geological evolution and ecological interactions. Soils, the very foundation of life, harbor secrets...