Weed of the Week: Chinese Tallow

Weed of the Week: Chinese Tallow

Chinese Tallow is an invasive tree that is now well established in the Southern United States. It first became a concern in natural areas, due to its invasive nature and adverse effect on native communities of plants. Chinese tallow was first recognized as an issue in...
Weed of the Week: Showy Crotalaria

Weed of the Week: Showy Crotalaria

Commonly known as Showy Rattlebox, Showy Crotalaria is a fast growing summer annual that germinates in early spring and flowers in late summer. As a member of the legume family, it was brought to the United States to be used as a cover crop to help set nitrogen in dry...
Weed of the Week: Tropical Soda Apple

Weed of the Week: Tropical Soda Apple

This week’s featured weed is tropical soda apple, a serious weed problem in many pastures and natural areas of Florida.  This invasive weed is very prolific and can infest a pasture in a very short time.  Its fruit are toxic to goats, and the unpalatable thorny leaves...
Snails have Invaded the Western Panhandle

Snails have Invaded the Western Panhandle

Snails have invaded some local areas throughout northern Santa Rosa and Escambia Counties this summer. The snails are tan colored, high and conical, with mature snails about ¾ to 1-inch long. They have been found in extremely high numbers in some crop fields,...
Cogongrass Spreading in the Panhandle

Cogongrass Spreading in the Panhandle

A recent increase in the spread of cogongrass has landowners scrambling to find ways to stop this invasive plant. There are ways to combat cogongrass, with positive identification and persistent treatment being paramount. Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) is found all...