by Abbey Payne | Oct 27, 2023
Because of the extended hard freeze event in December of 2022, citrus farmers in the Panhandle will have a greatly reduced citrus harvest this year. It is very hard to prepare in advance for stressful weather like freezing temperatures, but if you equip yourself with...
by Mark Mauldin | Oct 13, 2023
Without question, Cogongrass is the most troublesome invasive plant that I (and my clients) deal with. Here in Northwest Florida, we have a lot of it, and it is very difficult to manage. It has been my observation that the difficulty of management and limited early...
by Kalyn Waters | Oct 6, 2023
As hunters we are all concerned and want to understand what is going on with Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). With the cool in the air, hunting season is defiantly on everyone’s mind. With that there has been a lot of information that has come out recently to...
by external | Oct 6, 2023
Source: Southern Ag Today – Wednesday, September 27, 2023 Kelvin Bobbie, Seth McAllister, Amanda Smith, and Yangxuan Liu, UGA Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics Interest among producers in adopting cover crops to enhance soil fertility, mitigate...
by Stephen Greer | Sep 29, 2023
Many of us are still surprised when a wild turkey is beside the road or off in a distant field. It is a wonderful sight to see a flock of turkeys slowly working their way across an open expanse. Most often what you see are hens and juveniles. Poults are young ones...
by Ethan Carter | Sep 15, 2023
Ethan Carter, UF/IFAS Regional Crop IPM Agent; Audrey Gamble, AU Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences; Ann Blount, Southern Seed Certification As corn harvest wraps up and the peanut/cotton harvest begins, now is the time to plan for and coordinate a field’s...